Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken has the most amazing creamy garlic sauce with spinach and sun dried tomatoes. This meal is a restaurant quality meal ready...
Cheesy Tuna Casserole is the perfect combination of elbow macaroni, mixed vegetables and Velveeta cheese. The only thing missing is cream soup. This version...
Flavorful, tender and juicy meatballs! Lean ground turkey is mixed with breadcrumbs, flavorful onion, garlic, parmesan cheese and herbs, then formed into...
Top sirloin is a moderately tender steak with a bit of chew. It has good marbling and great beefy flavor without any excess fat. Because it's a moderately...
This seafood chicken paella with chorizo is a Briticised take on the Spanish classic rice dish. It's packed with crispy chicken, fiery chorizo, and a seafood...
This is an unusual marinade from the Mexican state of Baja that includes soy sauce, an ingredient you might not think of as Mexican, but which has been...
Leave the take-out menu and make this delicious restaurant-quality cajun jambalaya pasta with chicken, sausage, and shrimps. It comes together in about...
Indian Fish Curry with Coconut Milk, so flavourful and easy to make, ready on the table in way under 30 minutes. I used monkfish for my curry, but any...
The whole family will love this classic eggplant parmesan! Slices of tender eggplant coated in homemade breadcrumbs, and then layered with melted cheeses...
This Crispy Oven Fried Chicken is baked to perfection, juicy on the inside and wonderfully crispy on the outside. This is such a quick and easy chicken...
Rice with chorizo and shrimp, also known as arroz con chorizo y camarones, made with rice and chorizo cooked in a seafood broth with shrimp, onions, peppers,...
This Chicken Shawarma Tabbouleh Salad is super fresh and loaded with incredible flavors. The chicken is marinated in Middle Eastern spices, super moist...
This keto low carb BBQ sauce recipe is sweet, smoky, spicy & tangy in one. If you want a super easy, sugar-free barbecue sauce that tastes delicious, this...
Italian wedding soup is warm and comforting and filled with tender chicken meatballs, veggies, and acini de Pepe. This classic Italian soup will become...
Rich and tender chicken thighs are soaked in a savory, sweet and tangy teriyaki marinade then cooked over a gas grill to achieve the perfect char. It's...
This will become a firm family favourite as it can be cooked in one dish and is so quick and easy to put together. Choose your favourite type of local,...
Creamy Tomato Sausage Penne is the most perfect, quick, easy, wonderfully tasty pasta dish. Full of flavorful Italian sausage, penne, and a creamy marinara...
Ghorme Sabzi or Persian herb stew is undoubtedly the nation's most-loved dish and there's no need to discuss the popularity of Ghormeh Sabzi among the...
If you want to taste what the Italians are so blessed with over in Italy, I suggest you give this pasta sauce a try. You won't ever go back to your plain...
Jajangmyeon (noodles in a black bean sauce) is a popular Korean-Chinese dish. Learn how to make this restaurant favorite at home with this easy to follow...
If you are a meat sauce family (my family is a serious meat sauce family), then a pot of this in the fridge, or a container of this in the freezer is just...
If you have 30 minutes and a few simple ingredients, you can serve juicy, aromatic lamb chops whenever a craving strikes! They're weekday simple and...
Salmon is a great fish to use in a quiche due to its relatively high fat content so you don't need to worry about overcooking it. The wholemeal crust provides...
Even if you're new to cooking you can tackle this ham and pea pasta with confidence, as a sauce like this requires little more than warming through to...
This Cheesy Baked Pierogy Casserole makes for a delicious and easy weeknight dinner. It's loaded with Mrs. T's Mini Four Cheese Medley Pierogies and a...